Thursday, July 23, 2009

Photo Session at AWPT....a day worth spent :)

I've been to AWPT on Sunday for a photo session for our new website..

I didn't update you on the status is it?? The previous commitments on the website design didn't turn out well...We are now looking at new teams who have come forward to take up the task..wish we launch the website soon :)

coming back to the point, the sunday session was really fun-filled and that's the day I understood the seriousness & the difficulty of running a animal welfare organisation...

While Ramu was driving us crazy without posing for the photos, there are a couple of dogs who always feel excited about posing..they are so excited to see the cameras, lovely animals...check out their'll know its true :)

We spent four full hours in photo memorable it was for me :)

I even happened to witness a few emergency cases treated by AWPT's doctors...Guys...i felt bad about myself for seeking rest on sundays :) These doctors work tirelessly 24x7 for animals..God Bless them!!
Check out a few snaps of the occasion
Mahalakshmi Parthasarathy

I will miss you 'Ergo" :(

longtime no see :) long working exercises, no I decided to return home early as Kappa started missing me so much :)

oops...I have a bad news...real bad news for people like me..
Ergo is shutting doors, 31st july would be the last day it seems :) The magazine has anyways promised an online presence..but nothing satisfies like a print edition :) as well, not sure about the sections that would be retained in the online version, am really unhappy about this :(

Ergo's contribution towards AWPT's visibility is simply undeniable...A lot of appeals & requests have reached people and brought more volunteers to AWPT. Ergo helped people like to me to improve their writing skills, no articles sent to ergo remained unpublished. It has been a main source of encouragement for chennai youth to write more...

Anyways, I wish Ergo for a successful online presence and I also request the management to allocate sufficient space for pet columns, this serves the animal welfare community to a greater extent :)


Mahalakshmi Parthasarathy

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Article in Metro Plus :)

Check out my article in today's Hindu

Mahalakshmi Parthasarathy