Tuesday, August 25, 2009

CUPA Bangalore's blog featuring Pets for adoption

I'm sure CUPA is not new to many of you...

For my friends & all animal lovers in Bangalore, I refer CUPA's blog & its section on Pets for adoption - this section features all their pets that are ready for adoption in a healthy condition and this section is also been updated very frequently.

Please forward to your friends too...the blog would really be informative & helpful for anyone who wants to take home a new family member :)

Also check out CUPA's website for more information

Mahalakshmi Parthasarathy


  1. Pet food is plant or animal material intended for consumption by pets.rag doll cats

  2. This is the great site for sharing ideas on how we can better dogs life.

  3. Hello Guys, Any one has any idea on how can we reduce stray dog population and also a count on how many stray dogs in bangalore.

  4. hey ,this s hari... m looking to adopt an stray pup(male)...free adoption.. love , care are rest assured ..can someone help me.... reach me hkumars010@gmail.com
